My Introduction
I suppose an introduction is in order. I’m Nicholas Trandahl, and I’m in my mid-thirties. I’m many things — a husband and father, the assistant publisher/editor of a newspaper, an Army veteran, a traveler, an outdoorsman, and a writer.
From my home in northeastern Wyoming, where the pine-cloaked rugged terrain of the Black Hills National Forest meets that rolling sagebrush-strewn prairie of the Thunder Basin National Grassland, I live a life that is both busy and quiet.
I thrive in stillness and quietude. I take note of it in my trusty writing journal. I produce best in stillness, as is common I suppose. Thus my poetry and other writings are reflective and earthy, suffused with simplicity and nature and memory.
I enjoy camping, hiking, fly fishing, and road trips. I’m a collector and user of pipe tobacco and tobacco pipes. I also play the banjo. A voracious writer and reader, my favorite writers are Ernest Hemingway, Leo Tolstoy, Raymond Carver, Dante Alghieri, and Henry David Thoreau. These are the writers that have most inspired me throughout the years and who I continue to read and re-read. I’m also very fond of John Muir, Jack London, Walt Whitman, Mary Oliver, Ted Kooser, Jim Harrison, and Gary Snyder.
Well, that’s enough of an introduction. I look forward to writing about … well, writing.
Stay tuned.